Chapter 32

Well, here we are, 2 days away from my 32nd Birthday!

The thing about birthdays is I treat everyone the same, a brand new chapter where I am going to be happier and healthier! Then 2 days later I eat Mcdonalds for breakfast lunch and dinner…It’s kind of a problem.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, according to Einstein. So instead of driving myself cray cray, I am going to go about it in a different way this year…hence the blog.

This blog is indeed going to be the ongoing tale of raising Ryler and the realities of being a mother, but I am also going to share with you my health journey starting literally from scratch. (Even today I am drinking a Venti Gingerbread latte and ate a Tim Hortons sausage breakfast sandwich…) I am going to be proactive with my life and give myself nourishment, not just stuff myself with crap because thats how I feel lately.  Life has gotten very over whelming and I need to organize my brain!  I can’t be the only one out there that feels like this somedays ! I think this is just first time motherhood. So lets help eachother out!

Todays mission is to meal plan and grocery shop with Ryler when he wakes from his nap. He’s such a cutie bear, I need to be healthy for me but my god I need to be around for him.



6 months and 4 days old. My little Ryler Roo. xo


Do you wanna build a house wife???

Hey! Hey you there, reading this, thanks for stopping by, in five days I get to have my very own place to live again and I’m so freakin’ excited!!!!!

The best part about this is I get to have my own kitchen again!! I’m so excited for all the baking and cooking I’m going to share!!

I am by no means very knowledgeable with cooking but I am studying nutrition currently so I’m excited for my space to play around a bit and to eat of course…and to decorate… house wife activate.

So pumped!! Let me know of any great recipe blogs! Thanks friends xo

What the future holds…

Hello all you lovely people you, happy monday!

I want to apologize, I am not doing so good with this blog thing!  I guess life is just busy and I’m honestly kind of torn on how to go about doing it. Do I want to write a personal blog, do I want to write things I can teach you guys, maybe a mixture of both…

I fear turning this in to an alternate facebook, and I don’t want to just “status update” necessarily but I do want to document my thoughts and things I do on the daily…

What is your favorite things to read on wordpress? news article types, tutorials,reviews,personal blogs etc etc. Let me know!

Anyways back to my life… It is the final countdown until I start my new job!! So excited to work for a telecommunications company again!  and you know…not banking.

Yesterday Daniel and I went on our first house shopping adventure! So fun! Can’t wait to finally buy our own place. If you were to tell us 2 years ago we would be buying we probably wouldn’t have believed you, tell us any of this 4 years ago and we would have laughed in your face. But it’s all coming together… jobs, home… maybe even family pretty quick here… everything happens in threes right?  Time will tell but life is going amazingly. I never thought i’d be the girl to do things in life “properly” I’ve always tried to do what others don’t or the opposite of what people tell me to do ( only child syndrome at its best ) but getting to this point in my life kind of makes me realize I deserve this, I deserve shit in my life to go properly and happily. I`ve worked really hard to get where I am and now doing it with someone who truly loves me and takes care of me is just the bomb diggity…

cough loser cough

Okay I go spend the day with the best friend and her spawn. Haven`t seen my maid of honor in almost 4 months! (since our wedding! September 27th) The nice thing is I don`t have to worry if we`re still friends or if shes been talking shit behind my back… it`s nice to know I have a friendship I can rely on even though I don`t see her everyday. Have a good day everyone! I will blog more and be more interactive on your blogs soon!!!

Ashley xo

What Does It All Mean?

My name is Ashley Allen and I am turning 30. *welcome Ashley Allen*… Ok, a little dramatic.

Regardless, turning 30 has got me thinking, what does it mean to be in your thirties? or at least what does it mean to me? So I decided turning 30 is probably going to be a good thing as I say a little bit of a goodbye to my youth…

1.) I will still order a happy meal at Mcdonald’s , it’s for the child I don’t have…

2.) I will no longer wear pajamas in public. It doesn’t happen often because I am not a straight up Wal-mart stereotype but I want to present myself better in public, at all times, at least to the point of taking 2 minutes to put real daytime pants on, like an adult.

3.) I will not let anyone treat me like I am less than I am, and the minute they do I will not hesitate to walk away and move on with my awesome life. I can’t quite figure out if this makes me an adult or makes me a child, but I just don’t need it in my presence, it’s laughable

4.) I will love myself by putting good food into my body and doing something physical everyday, Ashley in her 20’s never fully did this, Ashley in her 30’s doesn’t want to pay for it any longer.

5.) I don’t care where I am or who I am with, if there is any kind of Disney song on, it will turn into karaoke.

6.) Wash my face. I hate to say it but I am just the worst at it, and it’s starting to show. Fortunately being baby faced I still get ID’d everywhere I go, I went to buy a lighter and they wouldn’t sell them to me for christ sakes (Waiting for my new ID since marriage). But at the end of the day, girl, they’re starting to show. *wrinkles*

7.) I will still get overly excited about any kind of cute stuffed animal, and I will name it immediately, because then it’s mine. (Life hack ladies, name it, he will buy it)

8.) Choose happiness, everyday, because that is the choice you get.

9.) Stay classy.

10.) I will dress for success and express myself more with my waredrobe hair and make up choices, because that is the fun of being a girl, and I’ve not been so up to it lately.

I think that’s probably all I can think of for now. Oh and I will write more in my 30’s , which I guess isn’t any different than my early 20’s, but I dropped off the wagon around 23 (Party party). So if you are reading this and you are older, I know, 30 is a good thing! I am really actually looking forward to it for all the reasons above. I am becoming much more confident and comfortable with myself and that’s what being 30 means to me.

Nickel and a quarter life crisis

Well friends I’m going through a bit of a change in life again.

This is a good thing and with family support I can now go find something I enjoy doing or at least somewhere where I am respected so I can go back to school and do something I’m passionate about.
So many possibilties , trying to not stress and just stay focused. Time to start something fun and creative where I don’t have to deal with nose in the air assholes .     Good luck to me !