What the future holds…

Hello all you lovely people you, happy monday!

I want to apologize, I am not doing so good with this blog thing!  I guess life is just busy and I’m honestly kind of torn on how to go about doing it. Do I want to write a personal blog, do I want to write things I can teach you guys, maybe a mixture of both…

I fear turning this in to an alternate facebook, and I don’t want to just “status update” necessarily but I do want to document my thoughts and things I do on the daily…

What is your favorite things to read on wordpress? news article types, tutorials,reviews,personal blogs etc etc. Let me know!

Anyways back to my life… It is the final countdown until I start my new job!! So excited to work for a telecommunications company again!  and you know…not banking.

Yesterday Daniel and I went on our first house shopping adventure! So fun! Can’t wait to finally buy our own place. If you were to tell us 2 years ago we would be buying we probably wouldn’t have believed you, tell us any of this 4 years ago and we would have laughed in your face. But it’s all coming together… jobs, home… maybe even family pretty quick here… everything happens in threes right?  Time will tell but life is going amazingly. I never thought i’d be the girl to do things in life “properly” I’ve always tried to do what others don’t or the opposite of what people tell me to do ( only child syndrome at its best ) but getting to this point in my life kind of makes me realize I deserve this, I deserve shit in my life to go properly and happily. I`ve worked really hard to get where I am and now doing it with someone who truly loves me and takes care of me is just the bomb diggity…

cough loser cough

Okay I go spend the day with the best friend and her spawn. Haven`t seen my maid of honor in almost 4 months! (since our wedding! September 27th) The nice thing is I don`t have to worry if we`re still friends or if shes been talking shit behind my back… it`s nice to know I have a friendship I can rely on even though I don`t see her everyday. Have a good day everyone! I will blog more and be more interactive on your blogs soon!!!

Ashley xo